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Evde profesyonel kahve deneyimi için beklenen an geldi: Fellow Ode Gen 2 - kahvebi

The long-awaited moment for a professional coffee experience at home has arrived: Fellow Ode Gen 2

Award-winning coffee grinder Fellow Ode Grinder Gen 2 is a new generation electric coffee grinder model produced by Fellow. Read on for all the details about Gen 2, one of the models produced for you to have the best coffee experience at home.

Ode Gen 2, Fellow's new automatic coffee grinder, will be available soon at Kahvebi with features such as greater sensitivity, modern design and wide grinding range! From the finest pour-overs to the roughest cold brews, your coffee will never be the same again.

To say Fellow Ode's new burrs are good is an understatement. When we consider equivalent models, we can say that it stands out in terms of price and performance compared to competing grinders in its field and offers a consistent grinding experience.

Designed by Nick Terzulli, Fellow's VP of R&D and Certified Q Grader (the highest certification in sensory coffee evaluation), Gen 2 grinds finer, more precise coffee. The grind range covers every brewing method except espresso. It offers a new generation grinding experience with its new anti-static technology, redesigned coffee loading chamber for smoother bean loading, and expanded 100 gram chamber for more crowded brews.

Ode Gen 2 Features:

  • Anti-static technology
  • New 100 gram coffee capacity
  • New load compartment design for smoother coffee pod
  • Extended grinding adjustment and guide
  • Quiet grinding and automatic stop
  • Single dose loading for maximum freshness
  • Best in class with new features

  • Fine grind quality: 31 fine grind settings


  • Quiet crush noise: We kept it very quiet, hush. No more waking your roommates.

  • Single dose loading: Grind only what you need with the now expanded 100 gram volume.
  • Clutter-free design: New anti-static technology to keep your coffee bar clean.
  • Automatic stop: After the last bean is ground, Fellow Ode Gen 2 automatically turns itself off.
Package dimensions: 35.8 x 31.4 x 16.9 cm
Weight: 4.5 kg
Click for Fellow security guide.

Fellow Ode Gen 2 vs. Gen 1 Comparison

The comparison between Fellow Ode Gen 2 and Gen 1 aims to highlight the key differences that will help coffee enthusiasts choose the perfect grinder they are looking for.

Gen 2 draws attention with its advanced features compared to the previous version, grinding sensitivity and user-friendly design. Features such as Gen 2's innovative grinding system and anti-static technology take the coffee grinding experience to the next level. With its wider adjustment range and optimized grinding performance compared to Gen 1, Fellow Ode Gen 2 allows you to have a professional coffee experience at home. The comparison below will help you discover the advantages and disadvantages of both models.

Gen1 vs. Gen 2

Ode standard burrs, 64 mm stainless steel, plain, uncoated

Ode Gen 2 is designed in-house in 64 mm stainless steel, plain, uncoated, with two-stage grinding geometry.




Grinding capacity

550 microns and above

250-300 microns and above

What is it good for?

From V60 drip brewing (medium grind) to brews on Chemex (coarse grind) setting

In addition to the features found in the Gen 1, with fine tuning, the V60 perfectly grinds lightly roasted coffees in brewing

Flavor Profile

High clarity and high acidity

Balanced flavor profile delivers medium-clear body and sweetness

Anti-Static Technology




2 years

3 years

Burr Speed

1,400 rpm

1,400 rpm

Grind Settings



Capture Capacity

80 grams

100 grams

Magnetically Aligned Capture Container



auto stop



Grinders' Hammer




Matte Black, Matte White

Matte Black, Matte White



TSF is not known yet

Frequently asked questions about Fellow Ode Gen 2

Fellow Ode Gen 2 is a grinder that coffee enthusiasts have been eagerly awaiting. Offering a perfect coffee experience at home with its innovative design and advanced features, this product is designed to meet the expectations of coffee lovers. Made from high quality materials, Ode Gen 2 stands out with its grinding precision, wide adjustment range and ease of use. Ideal for both professional baristas and home users, this grinder allows you to reach the peak of flavor by grinding coffee beans to the desired grinding size. You can review the sections below to find answers to frequently asked questions about Ode Gen 2. This grinder will make your coffee brewing ritual more enjoyable and make every cup unforgettable. How do I use Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2? How do I maintain it? Read on for questions like these.

Click here for all your questions about using your Ode Gen 2.

What are the differences between Ode Brew Grinder and Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2?

The Ode Brew grinder is the original, award-winning coffee grinder designed for brewed coffee. Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2 is a revamped version with some well-thought-out new features to enhance your daily coffee brewing experience. You can take a look at the table above for the main differences between the products.

Is Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2 suitable for grinding espresso?

Unfortunately Ode is not suitable for espresso

How do I use and maintain Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2?

Cleaning, maintenance and calibration instructions are included in the safety manual. You can use the links we left above for details.

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